Better Collective set for Massachusetts online sports betting launch

Updated:2024-03-30 08:10    Views:97

The group noted that, given its population of seven million and its strong sports legacy, the state has the potential to become one of the biggest sports betting markets in the US.

Better Collective added that it is excited to enter the market, with the company acknowledging the mutual commitment it shares with the Massachusetts Gaming Committee (MGC) to safer gaming, player education and consumer protection.

“Better Collective welcomes the decision by the MGC to waive its prior prohibition and provisionally allow for third parties to be compensated on a CPA or revenue sharing basis,” a statement from Better Collective read.

“Further,Casino games Better Collective applauds MGC for its recognition of the important role that performance-based marketing media plays in the regulated sports wagering ecosystem.”

A total of 10 sportsbooks are approved to accept and process mobile sports betting in the state, with Better Collective touching on the strong sports legacy Massachusetts enjoys thanks to local teams like the Boston Bruins, New England Patriots and Boston Red Socks.

Better Collective US CEO Marc Pedersen commented: “We are pleased to learn about the decision of the MGC to provisionally allow CPA and revenue share in Massachusetts. 

“For us as a group, we are excited to be able to help guide and educate the large sports fan base in Massachusetts into their first online sports betting experiences. The state has a very successful sports history, and we are confident the future with sports betting will be equally as successful.”

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